The faster blog theme isn't means because of its both premium or "non-premium one". The faster one even when you use the default theme and fix some problems from it theme's structures that included how you to edited some embed codes. The faster one doesn't have heavy unnecessary load such as so many unknown codes embed. Large image contents, unnecessary live link, etc, especially to you my friends when you need good and fresh blogger theme you have so many options: You can use default theme and just modify it with your own page decoration, yes here we go by loadings speed following our conscience. Or you may buy it from online service.
You can see Demo or even you can try it by choose and push Demo - Download button below,
So it is so smooth, if you need the blog template or fast loadings theme, I guarantee, this theme is very smooth, light and run by fast on web. Most important is all 100% FREE!
You may edit and replace header logo, footer and other. No Credit are left or embed in this template.
(I have posted the same article in Bahasa Indonesia in: Please visit!)
Of course a blogger's theme isn't merely about loadings speed, so manything will be considered by someone who need to choose the theme for their blogs once for example:
- The blog's theme looks match with blog mission and appropriate with so many blog contents will be created. So it must look professional, neat and tidy up.
- It must fast loading, so people will stay more longer in your site
- It does have security system even just only integrated with a whole Google system security.
- It completed with useful tools, i.e share button, ads position arrangements, simple navigation menu. etc.
- SEO friendly. This one mostly your business.
- No error codes found due too so many unwanted codes embed.
- etc.
I've tried modified few default blogger themes, and then I choose one that I think good then I combined with few blog's themes system the result is below you can see it still with default Navigation with search button on top right side, the side bar where ads hidden on it. You may edit it through blogger setting later following your sense. This theme focused to the speed.
You can see Demo or even you can try it by choose and push Demo - Download button below,
The speed test result using Pagespeed is 100% faster for mobile and 94% faster for PC or Desktop. While using different tool of pagespeed the result for fast loading for mobile is just only 3 seconds! (See picture below)
So it is so smooth, if you need the blog template or fast loadings theme, I guarantee, this theme is very smooth, light and run by fast on web. Most important is all 100% FREE!
You may edit and replace header logo, footer and other. No Credit are left or embed in this template.
(I have posted the same article in Bahasa Indonesia in: Please visit!)
Premium kah?
BalasHapusAku edit dari templat bawaan dengan rasa premium sangat cocok buat blogger mobile (yang negblog via hape) Templat ini sangat aman karena strukturnya asli blogger hanya aku embed dan buang beberapa kode tinggal di edit sama pengguna (buang link, ganti logo kalau sis mau aku bisa buatin logo keren buat blog baru sesuai tema)
HapusBoleh sis.. sapa tau nanti mau buat blog lagi, kmren di kasih Mz hindro udah di pasang di fiqih, cuman jarang update ngurus 2 aja susah banget 😊
BalasHapusAku juga hanya dapat menulis sepulang sekolah kalau gak lagi mood main